Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sweet 13 Party.... in White Face

This was a great party for Melissa when she turned 13.. that's her on the right with the kissy face and the blue and red top. These were great girls!


Heidi said...

16?! No, we were 13 in this picture. That mop on my head is clearly the hair of a girl who isn't dating yet.

Anne House said...

You are so funny...Well, you would know, ok, 13.. I'll change it...and the hair on was the time Dad gave her the new name: Girl with Hair High on Head (Dances with Wolves take-off)

Melissa said...

What a great picture. Thanks mom.

Robyn said...

Before I read the post I saw the picture and thought that girl in the front row looked like Heidi! How funny!