Thursday, November 19, 2009

Sweet 13 Party.... in White Face

This was a great party for Melissa when she turned 13.. that's her on the right with the kissy face and the blue and red top. These were great girls!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


A Gallop Poll was just taken of 350,000 people nationwide to discover which state was the HAPPIEST state to live in. UTAH was proclaimed to be the happiest. West Virginia came in last. I love living in Utah

The following is the list of top 10:

1. Utah
2. Hawaii
3. Wyoming
4. Colorado
5. Minnesota
6. Maryland
7. Washington
8. Massachusetts
9. California
10. Arizona

Monday, November 9, 2009


The other day I was on You Tube, which I hardly ever do... and I saw a video called "Stroking a Cat"...... It made me want to run and find Gig and stroke him till he his purr box broke. It was the most relaxing video...just to watch the joy and pure pleasure the cat was experiencing. Puts. You. To. Sleeeeep zzzzzzz.