Sunday, March 7, 2010

Call/Barlow Cousins 1956

This picture is a classic... here we are all squished onto the top bunk in the basement of my house in Roosevelt, Utah. Just to the left, out of sight, was Mother's darkroom..she was always taking pictures... in fact she had a little business called Call's Studio....these kidlets are the scions of Richard and Elizabeth at least to the point in 1956... from left:
Deborah, Betsy, Rebecca, Dayton, Anne, David, Jr., and Brad. It was a scream when we all got together. The folks would call us 'Wild Hooligans'... and the rampage started all over again when both our families relocated to California. and we know California has never been the same since.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Brad and Larisa Call

This is my brother Brad and his beautiful wife, Larisa. Isn't it a great picture? I took it at the Oakland Temple a few years ago. They have 6 kids. He farms 200 acres of walnuts and prunes north of Red Bluff. It's always good to have a farmer in the of the with his hands. He can make, built, grow, repair, or create anything.