Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb. 3, 1999 East Room White House

Well, it looks like my friend Hillary (I just call her Hill) is going down in flames. Obamamania is taking hold like a star at a rock concert. Taking the chance that I will be blocked from most everyone's blogsites, especially my friends from that really conservative and religious university in Provo where I went to college and really still like and support, I have to admit, I was interested in seeing how far she would get... When I moved to Utah five years, at the border, near Wendover, they confiscated my diet Pepsi cans and any pictures of Hillary Clinton, but I snuck this one in along with a few illegal Protestants in the trunk.

Snow Much Fun Primary Party

Here are just three photos from that fun day...... the rest were pinned to the Primary bulletin board at the church.

Primary Presidency

We had fun with the 35 children that came...snow party, hot chocolate and lots of food...

The snow has almost melted here...

This is a "Snow Much Fun" Primary party we had for the children at my is the Primary Presidency, Leslie, Pam,
me, and Heather...

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Backyard Neighbors


There is so much snow this year...Christian does the decks...and this is the 2nd time that day! Gary often gets up at 5:30 a.m. and revs up the takes him over an hour to do it all....I do it after work if it snows during the day. We also do our neighbors' on both sides. California is becoming a more beautiful memory.

Gig ... My beautiful pound-rescue cat...