Monday, February 25, 2008

Feb. 3, 1999 East Room White House

Well, it looks like my friend Hillary (I just call her Hill) is going down in flames. Obamamania is taking hold like a star at a rock concert. Taking the chance that I will be blocked from most everyone's blogsites, especially my friends from that really conservative and religious university in Provo where I went to college and really still like and support, I have to admit, I was interested in seeing how far she would get... When I moved to Utah five years, at the border, near Wendover, they confiscated my diet Pepsi cans and any pictures of Hillary Clinton, but I snuck this one in along with a few illegal Protestants in the trunk.


Heidi said...

Way to go Sis. House, fight the power! You realize this post will probably put you on the Utah's most wanted list. Good luck with that:)

Liz Stanley said...

well i would have confiscated your diet pepsi too, and replaced it with diet coke! in our part of town here in the avenues you're on the most wanted list if you're NOT a democrat and a hippie!

Anne House said...

Thanks Heidi and Liz...good to have some support, as I am generally the shame of the family..a hiss and a byword.

Brad Coombs said...

YOU ROCK! To be recognized by presidential royalty is waaaaaaaay up there in my book!
Congratulations Anne! ... even if it is 10 years later.

Anne House said...

Thanks Bud....