Thursday, July 3, 2008

Ogden Pioneer Days

Wow, it's that time of year again...the Ogden Pioneer Days...and Mom is ALL OVER TOWN! For someone who has been gone for 13 years, she sure shows up well. Her likeness that she posed for in 1936 (age 14) IS STILL BEING USED. Here it is on a pioneer wagon. This one was in the parking lot in Riverdale. she's on billboards and in the newspaper each day, too.
Here's a close up...
Here she is on a huge trailer ....and I want you to know that this picture is a lot more risque than her original photo.
Driving in traffic, I caught this one on the back of a big van.

This one is in front of the Pioneer Day's Office at 18th and Washington Ave.
There are 50 flags on masts all up and down Washington Ave. This one is near 23rd. This one is near Peery's Egyptian Theater ...the same place Mayor Harmon Peery asked for a meeting with offer her the job of the Rodeo Queen... to lead the Grand March into the stadium for the rodeo twice a day for 5 days.... (she was excited because she thought he was going to offer her a job as an usher at his theater)


Heidi said...

I don't know about the risque part. I've seen the original photo. She was showing a lot of skin!

How fun to have your mother come alive all over town every summer.

Liz Stanley said...

i love all these pictures of her!