Thursday, September 18, 2008

Book Club

I just got back from our bookclub--the book--The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis was great...wonderful discussion. I've read it three times. The book is a series of letters from Screwtape, a high-level devil (from the 'lowerarchy' of Hell) to his nephew, Wormwood, who has just been assigned a 'patient' or human to tempt and drag down to keeping him from the Enemy (God).
So much of it relates to our lives..and you learn so much about the other members.. Such a nice GNO....Girls Night Out. Delicious goodies, too.
Actually, this is kind of a church calling..I teach in the Relief Society and was asked by the president to also form a bookclub for enrichment night. I was asked to put together a list for our ward, so I chose from the classics.
July: Emily Dickinson's Poetry
August: Silas Marner by George Eliot
September: The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis
October: Pudd’nhead Wilson by Mark Twain
November: Night by Elie Wiesel
December: Christmas Picture Books (bring your favorite to share)
January: Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
February: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
March: The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck
April: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
May: Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck
June: Abraham Lincoln the Prairie Years (book one) by Carl Sandberg
July: Our Town by Thornton Wilder (readers’ theater..scripts provided)
August: Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman

1 comment:

Prairie said...

Hey i see you are into Book clubs and also as a teacher I have a title I would recommend to you.It is: WHY GENDER MATTERS- What parents and teachers need to know about the emerging science of brain differences. Have you heard of it? I just read it and I couldn't put it down. You would find it fascinating, especially as an English Teacher. Enjoy!