Sunday, June 14, 2009

The Barn

I just got back from a great trip...staying with my dad in California for a week, with my cousins (we're all teachers and flew out just after our last week of school). We had a wonderful time! The last day (June 10th) Brad gave us a great tour of the 200 acre ranch, some 28,000 trees, and the barn. This is barn is so big and impressive.....I took lots of pictures. It houses the tractors, harvesting equipment, and everything else a farmer uses. The dehydrators are there, along with bales of hay, tall stacks of pallets for the prunes, a swing from the rafters, an antique piano, a truck, tons of food storage and assorted wildlife that made it their home, too---squirrels, owls, bats, foxes. After the tour we left for the airport around four in the afternoon the barn had burn to the ground... This barn was 98 years old.... I am SO SAD! Here are some pictures of the barn hours before it was lost.

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