Sunday, September 13, 2009

More Rodeo Pics

Jana Rae Shaw..awesome woman... cousin, in a complicated way...... mover and shaker with everything rodeo....poses with my daughter, Melissa... THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DID!

David Osmond .. a great singer and performer. He is one of the 8 sons of my friend, Suzanne Osmond...married to the oldest of the performing Osmonds, Alan. David was the Grand Marshall of the Children's Parade.
These cuties are my Jr. Whoopee Girls... I made the 6 outfits, then after they yee-hawed their way down the parade route, the outfits were donated to the children's museum... a section was built called "How the West Was Fun" and the centerpiece was a huge shadow box with my mother's museum pieces I arranged in it...from 1936.

This is as close as I can get to my mother these days. Gone 15 years. But isn't this cool? have your own beautiful mother memorialized on a horse in front of the Children's Musuem? (however, the artist took some liberties with the skimpy outfit... eeeeeee)

1 comment:

Toni Kerber said...

You MADE? those 6 outfits? You amaze me!