Sunday, January 11, 2009

Rebel Mom 1972

My good friend from high school, Rachel Fraga, found these two pics of my mom in the yearbook and sent them to me. Since I've lost those yearbooks, I am so glad to have a copy of these shots. ......One has Mom with our beloved cocker spaniel, Ralph, but the other picture is really great..... Up until that time, teachers at RBUHS were living under the UNWRITTEN CODE of dress conduct..that the woman had to wear dresses/skirts. My mom just up and bucked the system one day (she told me) and wore a lovely knit pantsuit (with really cute shoes, you can see). Soon, Mrs. Brasier followed, and it was such a fabulous gossip & scandal (loved by all the hippie, ruler breaker kids..) that they featured her in the yearbook.

1 comment:

Toni Kerber said...

You do remember that teacher on your mom's desk is Dee Metcalf, right?