Friday, March 27, 2009

Boy in the Striped Pajamas...Mother's view

I am still thinking non-stop about this movie.... since I teach The Diary of Anne Frank to my students ... I feel that they should all see it, too...but I'm not allowed to show anything but a PG movie...and this is PG13...but why would it be rated so? It has no sex, no foul language, and no violence (except implied) .... just a very intense story told about the Holocaust through the eyes of two 8 year-old boys.... I keep thinking about the mother. I see myself in her---wanting to protect her children, to educate them well, give them a good German upbringing, and is very proud of her husband who is advancing rapidly in his career. Even the other mother (the grandmother) reacts the same way she does when she realized what's REALLY going on. I think it's a woman-thing to be truly devastated and want to take action when evil is revealed. She is a wonderful actress. The scene at the barbed-wire fence has not left me yet............

1 comment:

Brenna said...

I just barely saw this movie. It was so powerful, and I agree, she was a fantastic actress. I HATED the ending though. I guess I can't expect sunshine and roses at the end of a Holocaust film though!!! Your class must be so much fun!