Saturday, April 26, 2008

Buy Rice!

Actually, there isn't much rice shown in this picture, but way around the bend in this photo is about 700 lbs of rice. I already had about 400, but before it was rationed at Costco, Christian and I went down there and hauled away what we could....our tail pipe was almost dragging......THEN, our neighbor was moving and wanted to give away all her food storage---lots of #10 cans of wheat, rice, soup mixes, apple slices.... so Gary and I loaded up again. I LOVE having this food makes me feel oddly secure and obedient, and I rotate it regularly. It is interesting that when it's Christian's turn to say the family prayer in the evening, he often includes "and protect our food storage "...what a guy, but then, what do teeagers think of more than food? Not much.

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