He was the best 4th grade classroom pet ever (and I had ..at one time or another..parakeets, hamsters, mice, chicks, and fish) because: 1. He never made any noise... 2) He didn't make a mess... 3) he was cheap to feed, about 6 crickets a month...4) he was interesting... 5)and best of all...ready for this?....the kids never asked to play with him.
side view
looking at my desk ....notice the kids are gone so my shoes come off..
nerve center
These are my grandpa's desks...he was principal at Clinton Elementary for about 40 years, and when they tore the old school down, he took some of the desks and gave me these two. I love them! I build new 'skis' for them this year. Normally they were bolted to the floor.
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