Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Shadow Mountain Ward Bishopric

The first month has come and gone, and it's true what they say...I hardly ever see my husband.... The first week he was gone 5 of the 7 nights of the week....and Sundays..forget planning for dinner!
And the phone calls...OH ... THE PHONE CALLS! It rang about 8 times tonight..and they don't realize that Gary is used to being ASLEEP at 9:00 pm.....I'm more than happy to take messages. I don't ask about the calls, and I don't want to know... The best part so far has been the sweet notes and baked bread and goodies that keep showing at our doorstep.
The taller man on Gary's right is the 1st counselor Bro. Barry Daniels. He is a businessman...6 kids..darling family.
The man on his left is the 2nd counselor Bro. Mark Sheffield, a neonatalogist (premature baby doc) .... also has 6 kids and a sweet, younger family.
I imagine blessings will come as he serves the people of our ward....Sis. Porter, the last bishop's wife (and did it PERFECTLY....can't take her place!) said to 'enjoy the ride in the passenger seat' for the next five years.

1 comment:

Robyn said...

I can't think of a nicer or kinder bishop! Good luck with all that! You'll be a great "first family."